GG Cardiff and Vale
GG Cardiff and Vale bio
Every GG member that enters a tree will be planted! And it is free to enter - no brainer!
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GG Cardiff and Vale achievements
Total Distance Covered
428.83 miles
Longest Activity Recorded
20.62 miles
Total Activities Recorded
GG Cardiff and Vale > Team members
Community Stats
Individual entrants
# | Name | Total |
1 | Ellen Perry | 143.34 miles |
2 | Llion Wigley | 92.86 miles |
3 | Nathan Swain | 56.8 miles |
4 | Michael Owens | 55.43 miles |
5 | Fiona Guy | 38.65 miles |
6 | Andrew Skelton | 20.96 miles |
7 | Darren Raz-Nick | 16.23 miles |
8 | Lucy Everett | 4.55 miles |
Individual entrants
# | Name | Activites |
1 | Ellen Perry | 57 |
2 | Llion Wigley | 23 |
3 | Nathan Swain | 13 |
4 | Michael Owens | 13 |
5 | Fiona Guy | 11 |
6 | Darren Raz-Nick | 10 |
7 | Andrew Skelton | 6 |
8 | Lucy Everett | 2 |
Individual entrants
# | Name | Donation total |
Individual entrants
# | Name | Donations |
GG Cardiff and Vale have entered
Donations to GG Cardiff and Vale
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