Your Town Runners
Your Town Runners bio
Your Town Runners achievements
Total Distance Covered
1105.86 miles
Longest Activity Recorded
52.71 miles
Total Activities Recorded
Your Town Runners > Team members
Community Stats
Individual entrants
# | Name | Total |
1 | Katrina Dell | 190.2 miles |
2 | Daniela Petrianni | 175.03 miles |
3 | Danny Dell | 171.54 miles |
4 | Glen Carrington | 97.59 miles |
5 | Michelle Taylor | 95.13 miles |
6 | Paola Calderaro | 66.67 miles |
7 | Charlene Ellis | 65.72 miles |
8 | Gill Wayland | 58.39 miles |
9 | David Goosetree | 45.78 miles |
10 | Marcello Delfino | 43.66 miles |
11 | Mike Hutchinson | 41.37 miles |
Individual entrants
# | Name | Activites |
1 | Katrina Dell | 61 |
2 | Daniela Petrianni | 50 |
3 | Glen Carrington | 40 |
4 | Danny Dell | 26 |
5 | Michelle Taylor | 18 |
6 | Mike Hutchinson | 14 |
7 | Paola Calderaro | 14 |
8 | David Goosetree | 14 |
9 | Gill Wayland | 14 |
10 | Charlene Ellis | 13 |
11 | Marcello Delfino | 12 |
Individual entrants
# | Name | Donation total |
Individual entrants
# | Name | Donations |
Your Town Runners have entered
Donations to Your Town Runners
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