Why Fundraise?

Now, as much as ever, charities need our help. Mental health and the environment are two topics extremely close to all our hearts and we're supporting both of these through our virtual runs.

Due to reduced funding, charities have been forced to cut back vital services despite rising demand and in some dire situations, some charities have been forced to close - which means the most vulnerable will suffer.

We know helping others is an important part of being a runr. This is why our virtual runs are as much about helping others as they are about earning a medal.

Mental Health Matters

Since launching our virtual runs back in 2016, we've been supporting mental health charities as we know how important mental health is to many of you who run.

Since starting our virtual runs in 2018, over 21,000 people from the running community have raised an incredible amount of over £380,000, and raised awareness of mental health and the positive impact running can have to our own mental health.

Planting Trees

The world in which we live in, and run in, is so important to us all. 

We are working with our tree planting partner who plants, grows, and guards the trees to maturity. They do this by empowering people from local villages. They will restore forests and woodlands, conserve habitats rich in biodiversity, and help communities who rely upon forests develop prosperous sustainable livelihoods.

As the reforestation efforts continue, healthy forests start to emerge and the negative effects of deforestation begin to disappear. These trees that are planted provide a habitat for animals, purify water sources, restore ocean health, control flooding and erosion, and help to replenish the soil with the nutrients needed for farming.

Who are Eden Reforestation Project?

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