
Get involved

Get involved with the running community on your next event.


Join the conversation

Community is a huge part of our virtual runs. Find out where you can get involved in the conversation and help to encourage and inspire other runners to reach their goals.

Join the conversation


Find a friend, family member or work colleague

Our virtual runs are about getting people active and creating a community where you can be encouraged and inspired to reach your goals. If you are looking for a friend, family member or colleague then you have come to the right place.

Find an entrant


Find a team

Being part of a team is a fantastic way to encourage and motivate each other. Why not ask your running club, workplace or even a group friends to be part of a team and take part in an event.

Find a team



Once you're signed up, you can log in to your account where you will be able to download calendars, bingo cards and other FREE running resources.


Run Together

Getting Businesses Involved

Find out which businesses encouraged their employees to take part in previous events and find out how your could get your colleagues involved in one of our virtual events.

Getting Businesses Involved

Run Together

Getting Running Clubs Involved

In each event, we get lots of running clubs coming together and taking part.

If you're part of a running club, find out how you can create a team and encourage other members to come and sign up!

Getting Running Clubs Involved

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